January 11, 2016
Let’s all have a collective AWWW over this fluffy pup! Those curly ears are just so perfect aren’t they?! When I met Samantha for the first time, she (like any proud Dog Mom) started flipping through iPhone pictures of her sweet pooch. Then she said, just wait ’til you see my husband!
This family is just as sweet as they are ridiculously-good-looking!
At a Halloween Party 6 years ago, Samantha walked right up to Sam and told him she thought he was cute. Last year, they celebrated their first Anniversary! I LOVE hearing how a love story starts – especially ones where the girl makes the first move….because that is also how I got my Sam 🙂
Samantha and I used to work together, and in that period of time we often chatted about our future dreams and goals. She is passionate about Animal Rights, vegetarian and healthy living, and for the past several years she has been perfecting her craft at becoming a Makeup Artist. I am so thankful to have built a friendship with her because she is one heck of an inspiring woman.
At home, I purposely edited this photo above whenever Sam would walk by so that he could see this cute little face and be reminded (not very subtly) that we need a dog!! Or three!
Sam and Samantha, we love you both!!
The Tuckers